Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Lottery

A unhappily married man decides to test his luck and play the lottery, but when the mini mart clerk is killed and he knows he will be blamed, he discovers a way to get back at his wife.

To read the full story click here.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


It may not be a crime
but it is just not fair
I'm much to young to be losing all my hair.

But what should I do
to avoid this awful fate
I must act quick
I hope its not to late

Perhaps a bushy wig
to cover my hairless mound
or I'll grow one long strand
and strategically wrap it all around

But then she said it is sexy
the way the light makes it shine
I think a bald head
will suit me just fine

Friday, August 21, 2009


Well Congrats, you found my blog. The purpose of this blog is to get my short stories and poems I wrote during college out there for others to see, and who knows maybe I'll write some new stuff to. Hopefully soon this page will be full and many will have enjoyed my work. I will try to post a new story or poem every week.
